As both a letter-writer and a planner, I want the two in a Meetup. Once a month, I host a “Plan & Write” event at our local pizza restaurant, so we can all meet new friends, eat, plan ahead, answer letters, and chill together. Planners and letter-writers, members or not, are welcome to join.

We roll into the venue, pull out all our necessary materials, and start writing. Our empty table becomes a splash of colors. Beautiful stickers, washi tapes, colorful pens, fascinating stationery papers, and artistic imagination spread out during our event. It makes me giggle inside to see others enjoy the same things I love. It brings that child in me out.

During the previous social meetup, I used my portable typewriter. My hands were rusty with the typewriter keys. I got used to the soft computer keyboards. Letter-writing is not only done with a pen; the typewriter is a great tool for finishing a letter. It can be loud, yes, but I find it therapeutic. Well, not the noise, but hitting the keys hard is somewhat of a relief. HaHa! I keep telling myself that I would rather punch the keys of a typewriter than someone. Err, I shouldn’t be typing that here. Ssshhh! HaHa!

“Destash to Restash.” That was my intention when I started the destash table during our meetups. There were unused stationery items that needed a home. I felt happy when everything was taken. The new owners will create artsy crafts from it. There will be more stuff for a destash table in our next society meetup.

I’m looking forward to our next pizza lunch. Come and join us. Bring a friend or two. See you soon.